The website is the comprehensive source for rail enthusiasts of locomotives hauling passenger trains in East Anglia from 1982 to 1990.
Way out
Frequently asked questions and how to contact

What gen will be included?

The aim is to record every diesel locomotive that could have been "had for haulage" on an Anglia Ranger ticket in the period from the start of the summer timetable in May 1982 to the end of the summer timetable in May 1990.

Mostly it is obvious what is to be included and excluded, but here are a few boundaries for clarification. If a train makes part of its journey in East Anglia the database will try to record unscheduled loco changes outside Anglia too. For example a loco starting out from Birmingham on a Norwich train but removed at Leicester will be recorded. But a loco starting out from Blackpool on the Harwich train but removed at Sheffield will not be recorded because that would be a scheduled loco change.

Electric locos on the GE Main Line will be excluded, but the class 86s on the Cambridge line in 1987 to 1989 will be included.

Boat trains between Harwich and Liverpool Street are excluded.

The winter 1988 Sunday diesel hauled services during the Liverpool Street reconstruction will be included, even though your Anglia Ranger wasn’t valid!

The October 1989 ECML drags via Cambridge will be included. EMU drags will mostly be excluded because, although the locos working are well recorded, full details of trains involved are not.

Trains which were not available to passengers holding ordinary tickets, such as railtours and other charters, will not be included. These are well documented in other sources. The train information section will also build up a library of other useful information, for example, loco diagrams.

Added on: 03-04-2011

Where does the gen come from?

Three comprehensive gen sources for the period, compiled at the time, supply most of the gen.

These are:

• Mister C’s Anglia summer Saturday charts from 1982 to 1990;
• The Captain’s Cambridge lists from 1982 to 1990;
• The Chartman’s eth 31 charts starting in January 1984.

The angliaranger website could not have happened without these.

If anyone can provide similarly comprehensive records of locos hauling passenger trains on the Liverpool Street to Norwich route, especially in the period before electrification was completed in May 1987, then angliaranger would be very pleased to hear from them.

Anyone providing gen to fill the gaps will be credited in the "Engineering Work" page when the data they have provided goes onto the database.


Added on: 02-04-2011

How do I use the search facility?

It’s easy! First select the timetable you are interested in, then use the boxes to refine your search by date, locomotive and train. And you don’t need complete loco numbers or reporting numbers: put 31 in the loco box and the search will produce all class 31s, put 1M in the reporting number box and the search will produce all trains with 1M reporting numbers.

Added on: 02-04-2011

How can I use the data?

The main purpose of angliaranger is to make the data available to individual users to fill gaps in their own records and to fill in the gaps so that angliaranger becomes a fully comprehensive historical record.

The data should not be used for further publication in, for example, magazine articles or other websites, without prior agreement with the Area Manager at angliaranger. In particular, owners of preserved diesel locomotives should contact angliaranger before using data from the website about their own locos’ activities.

Added on: 20-05-2013

How can I help?

If you can fill any gaps, or correct any errors, then angliaranger will be very pleased to hear from you!

Contact email is

The Area Manager is no longer able to work out how to access the email at so please do not send messages there. If you have sent anything there in the past and not received a reply then apologies from the Area Manager and please send again to



Added on: 20-05-2013

Who gets the thanks?

Lots of people helped at the time to assemble the comprehensive records that angliaranger uses.

Who they all are is lost in the mists of time, but thanks to all of them for their contributions.

Particular thanks to the Tabernacle Men and the Hundred Men for their invaluable assistance.

The website and database would not have happened without Corey Speed, who did all the clever IT stuff, and his tutors at North Hertfordshire College for allowing Corey to build angliaranger as a workplace learning project.

Timewarp and Napier Chronicles are pioneers in this field: thanks to them for going first and showing what can be done. Thanks also to various shopping websites that gave good examples of searchable databases on the web.

Added on: 02-04-2011


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